Having an accessible website will dramatically increase bookings, enhance the guest experience, and shield your establishment from ADA lawsuits.
Access Design Studio Founder & CEO, Denise Páne, discusses the importance of website accessibility, with real world examples and stories.
90% of travelers do their research online and 82% will complete their booking online. Not having an accessible website means that you’re excluding millions of potential customers.
Denise Páne, Access Design Studio Founder & CEO, shares her inspiration and passion behind her mission to help businesses make their websites accessible for all people.
Just as your establishment must fulfill physical ADA requirements for your guests, it’s also critical that people with disabilities can access the content on your website.
Denise Páne, Access Design Studio Founder & CEO, shares the inspirational story of her lifetime of advocacy for people with disabilities, starting with her own Special Olympian brother – and how that expanded to helping businesses make their websites accessible/ADA compliant.
Find out how to take advantage of this IRS tax credit, and the many benefits of making your website accessible/ADA compliant.
Learn how a website optimized for accessibility by certified experts sets your business up for success. (See page 25.)
During this interview, Denise Páne, Access Design Studio Founder & CEO, reveals several powerful strategies to ensure that your website is accessible to everyone.